View the file and edit any configurations you want to edit.Right-click the “CFG” file displayed in the results window.How to Edit a CFG File and Save It As a CFG File BAT file is used to set defaults and to run programs that should be executed upon startup (comparable to the. Press the Set the Launch Options button.In the Steam Library, right click CS:GO.How to Run CS:GO Settings from Your Autoexec File cfg file, and can contain pretty much any client-side command in Counter Strike: Global Offensive. cfg file is automatically executed on startup like the config. cfg file is used in CS:GO to ensure some commands / settings are always set. cfg file, copy it, paste it, and then rename it to ‘autoexec’Īn autoexec. Once your file explorer opens up, click on csgo then go to cfg.Right click CSGO in Steam, click “Manage” then click on “Browse local files”.SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Global Offensivecsgocfg or take what you want from it and add to your autoexec config! How do you Autoexec in CSGO? Double-click your new autoexec file and fill it with your preferred commands.Ī spy that abuses cl_interp is basically a player that by using certain commands, such as cl_interp, increases his/her delay between when he/she presses the button and when the server registers it.Right-click anywhere in the window and click “New” > “Text Document.” This will create a blank file title your new file “autoexec.In 2020, CSGO config files, autoexec belong in Steam’s userdata folder. 17 How do you copy all CS GO settings to another account?.14 How do I make my console command permanent in TF2?.